A view of part of Virginia's wall all ready for people to come in.

Amanda folding fabric for my table so that it looks professional...something I sure couldn't have done!

My studio area all nice and neat...won't be that way tomorrow, you can bet on it! Won't be as compressed, either...will get it spread back out!

A display of fabrics in Virginia's studio.

A display of her screen printed fabrics and her screens.

Nancy, Karey's cousin, also from Quilts, Inc. She is just delightful and it is a hoot to listen to Karey and Nancy talk to each other!

The crowd has gathered for eating lunch. I know the names of many of the people now, but I know if I try to identify them to you, I will get it all mixed up. Knowing the names and being able to put them with the faces is still coming...Yesterday was such a blur I had to constantly look at everyone's name tag to know who I was talking to.

Out of order here, but some sweets in Karey's house during our happy hour for those going to dinner.

The other stuff at her house. She was so gracious and opened the house for people to come in and see her things, have some wine and visit some more!

And the beautiful, gracious Miss Karey signing her book for people!

And people visiting.

And eating and talking

and posing for pictures

And more eating and visiting.

Unbeknownst to Virginia, Karey had asked the top 18 providers of postcards this year to make a special one for Virginia. She had them framed in to separate frames with each card labeled with the maker's name and the name of the post card. This was a big thank you to Virginia for all of her work with the Fiber Art for a Cause postcard program to raise funds for the American Red Cross. Virginia was just thrilled and so surprised!

Lots of visiting.

And Rosemary Claus Grey gives Karey a piece of art.

After happy hour, we went back to Las Fuentes for dinner. This is Pamela Allen whom I knew before this weekend so I remember her name!

And Virginia and Janelle McCall. Janelle made some beautiful art pieces which she gave to Virignia and me with a note saying "Thank you for sharing" What could be sweeter!

At dinner

Still at dinner

Still at dinner

There were so many of us I couldn't get a picture of the entire table at one time...the flash did not reach that far but if you look closely, you can see Pamela Allen down at the very end on the right.

And this is the breakfast club the next morning...or at least, part of it.
So, what was it like? Absolutely awesome!!! People ooooed and awedddd about our work, making us feel so very special. Karey's staff and Karey fussed over us and made us feel like prima donas. Everyone wanted to know how we did what we did, took tons of pictures of us, had their pictures taken with us, had us sign our autographs and just spent lots of time talking art and quilts with like minded people. Both Virginia and I were walking on clouds. Discussing it later, we both felt so validated in doing the work we are doing.
So, Saturday was filled with lunch and lots of visiting and sharing knowledge, then happy hour (as if we weren't happy enough) and then dinner out. Virginia and I wisely did not go back up to the Creativity Center afterwards as that became one giant pajama party. All ten beds in the dorm rooms were filled, two cots and the couch in the main room were filled.
Today (Sunday) arrived and I got even fewer pictures. We had breakfast all together at 9:30, chatted a lot more and then everyone was gone at 1 pm when the first car of the next group came in. Another 30 or so members of the local quilt guild came to us. Coffee, tea, and sweets were served. This group is composed of mostly traditional and some contemporary quilters. They were very interested in what we did and how we did it. They were all so gracious and friendly, Again, my jaw was hurting from smiling so much! They stayed until 3 pm and then finally it was quiet. There had been talk about another group coming, the local artists' groups, but Karey wasn't able to make contact with them to invite them over...Their loss!
So tonight we are unwinding, relaxing and coming down out of the clouds as tomorrow we are back to work. I have ten more quilt tops to make!
I have no pictures of to the people who were gathered in front of my table as I was talking about things, and Virginia has none of her talking to people. If you were here and took pictures that you think we should have, please email them to me and I will put them up on the blog and also send them off to Virginia.
Many thanks to all of you who came and gave us such wonderful support and admiration. It is the most wonderful feeling to have other artists (whose work admire) complementing . Thank you all and most especially, thank you Karey for making this happen!
Hi Liz and Virginia -- Wow! What a wonderful weekend! Everyone looks so happy and excited and the FOOD looks fabulous. Karey really outdid herself. Wish I could've been there. -- Sherrie Spangler in cold, cold Illinois
Wow, looks like a 2 or 3 day party going on. Wish I could have been there, but now I know why as I am flying to Ny tomorrow for my brother's funeral.
I'm still you number one cheerleader and I will have my laptop so I will check up on you.
Thank you, Liz, for making me feel like I was there. Wonderful pictures and account of the day.
Wish I could have been there myself, but your posting was the next best thing. Thank you! I hope you have a productive, enjoyable remainder of your AIR!
Thank you so much for sharing this wondrous experience. It reads like a month of heaven on earth!
what a wonderful party y'all had! i so wish i could have been there but this was absolutely the next best thing...thanks so much for making us all feel a part of your wonderful adventure. karey is an angel isn't she??
Wow, I sure wish I'd been there! You're both doing wonderful work.
Well, I was there and am just peeking at Liz's photos and comments. She pretty well covered it. It was a special time, very precious and memorable. The weather was great and as far as I could tell everyone was delighted. There are probably stories to tell about the slumber party. I wouldn't know--I was sound asleep. Ruthie P. in Austin, TX
I was there in spirit, and loved reading all about it. TEN more quilt tops, Liz? You are Wonder Woman! When this wonderful experience is over, why don't you come play in my new studio?
Hey Liz!
I'd like to send you some pictures, but I don't have an e-mail address for you, and I know that Virginia isn't really checking hers right now. Drop me a line at: spprojects at quilts dot com
karey has done more for promoting quilting than just about anyone. Thanks for sharing.
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