Instead of spending all the time and aggravation to sort things out, I have decided that you are going to see these in whatever order they come up.
this is a piece that I had dyed or painted, I can't remember right now, and then did silk screening on it with my new weeks screen. I really think it will be fun to do something with this fabric. still thinking about what.

This is another weeds piece, this time with just one weed.

Here you can see the other end of my single weeds piece...palm trees...Have to figure out what I am going to do with this fabric.

Now, I know what I am going to do with this piece! Will put it together as a quilt tomorrow and start quilting my palm trees. I painted the fabric yesterday..

This is what I did first think this morning...I organized my own studio space...I started doing sc`reen printing on the cutting table (covered, of course) which is just the right height, and then they can go down to the floor to dry.

Then I started ironing fabric and fusing. Brought in the ironing board and put it at the right height to sit down and work...what a relief!

This is in Virginia's studio...she started ironing fabric this afternoon and started putting things up on the wall and now has a pretty good idea of what direction she is going in. She needs to get larger work done for a show.

Meanwhile, I warm up doing what I like to do...fences...it got a little washed out with the flash. It is 8 x 10

Here is the second one...it wasn't until I was done that I realized that it is a head with two eyes! it, too, is washed out from the flash. it is also 8 x 10

so here is the big ironing table with my set up for fusing. I have three yards of teflon from Valerie Hearder so I lay out the misty fuse, lay down the fabric, top it off with the other half of the teflon and iron the fusing to the fabric. You can't quite see it but there are several pieces of fabric under the teflon

And now you can see my studio area after I have been working for a little while. Beginning to feel like home only much bigger and less messy!

Oh yeah, and some more of Virginia's fabrics...trees and water and things.
Thank you all for the advice...I did what I need to do. Took time out, did what I wanted, and then started playing. Virginia is on a different track than I am. I am doing a few small things for fun, then will start working on my palm trees and then will start on my doors series...maybe...I still need to dye paint but that will happen in a few days. had to order batting so that I could do the pillow case backing and get going on things. I feel good, satisfied and on a roll. Virginia gets up early and I get up later and then she is in bed way before I am so we have worked out a great system.
We enjoyed wine with Maurice and Karey at the gazebo, with great wine and cheese. Tomorrow we will join them for dinner at the club...I'm not sure what this means but we don't have to get dressed up...just out of our painting clothes!
It's so much fun to see what you are doing every day. Thank you for taking the time to post all of the photos!
Oh, yummmm! Love the fences pieces. I didn't see the eyes until you pointed them out! The palm trees look great. I am loving Virginia's trees and water pieces on the floor, too.
Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop. I love seeing what you are doing.
I love the fences pieces, too. How do you work so fast?????
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