Another piece on the wall

And another

And this piece I finished this morning. I also did some foiling on it and am really happy about it.

Here is a detail with the foiling...it is a copper color, not gold.

Above you see Vicki dancing to the tunes of the 60's...you can tell everyone is working hard...or at least Pam who is bringing in more chairs...60 total! Pam is in charge of the food, the seating, the beds, the bedding and all that stuff.

The skies are not clear this afternoon. Things have started to dry out so we are hoping the clouds just keep on moving by.

This is one of the beautiful oak trees on the property. Virginia was out on her hike today and heard hawks screaming...she finally was able to see them and watched them mating...but she wasn't sure if they were successful of not! She wasn't close enough!
Karey took the entire crew out to dinner at Las Fuentes for Mexican food...we seem to be hanging out there. I passed the camera around for shots of the meals. The first one is Nancy's and it is tipped so she could get the margarita into the shot!

My taco salad

Marvin's something or other that had lots of food!

Quesadillas with an enchilada

A tamale with something else that sure looks good...it was down at the other end of the table.

A taco con queso

Three tacos on flour tortillas

Karey's dinner of enchiladas, half of which came home with her.

and now for the people...left to right: Marvin, Karey, Virginia, Pam, Teresa
and in the back on the right which you can't see is Ann Flaherty, Vicki, Amanda, and Nancy

Here is Virginia, Pam and Teresa, all holding the same pose which hides the double chins. Check
out the size of those margaritas!

And here is Ann along with Vicki and Amanda

And then, at the end of the table was Nancy, me, Marvin and Karey.
We had a grand time and laughed a lot. Found out there is a happy hour tomorrow and that Ann will be over around 10:30 and the fun starts. Wow!
Glad I drank half of my Margarita..I will have no trouble going to sleep tonight.
Needless to say, Virginia only got fusing done and rearranging her studio for the open studio.
I spent time signing my little pieces and cleaning up my space some more and finishing the piece from last night.
Got to get to sleep...it will be a full day tomorrow from around 10 am to after 8pm. But it will be fun with lots of great people to meet for the first time, people to see again, and lots of pictures to take!
See y'all tomorrow!
The whining you hear wafting on the breeze tomorrow is coming from Santa Barbara. Looking forward to the photos of the party. Have fun, y'all!
Lora Martin
Liz, your pieces are beautiful, everyone will love them tomorrow. I love the foiling you added! Really nice!
Looks like y'all got a lot done today and had a good time at dinner. I'll have to remember that pose to get rid of the double chin. ;) Looking at all of the food reminded me that I skipped dinner and I'm starving! The margaritas look pretty good too!
Hope the rain holds off for the weekend and you all have a wonderful time. Didn't you say that you were born in TX? Show those out of town ladies how Texans have fun and tell them all "How Do!" for me! Wish I could be there to tell them (and you!) for myself.
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on what you are creating. Have much fun with the weekend crowd. We all wish we were there. Del in SCalifornia
WOW! I love the new work, especially the top one. The foiling really sets of the lower piece. Have a wonderful time and thanks again for letting us see the process. Cheers, Jeannie
Say hey to all my internet friends who are there. All that food! Yikes.
Love the foiled circles. Love your work.
Hi Liz and Virginia,
Liz, I am enjoying your blog so much -- it is such a treat to see how both you and Virginia are working, and the pieces you are both doing are beautiful. I know you're having a blast as I write this, and folks are arriving for a weekend of studio visits, great food, and great companionship. How I wish I could be there! Say hi to all my quiltart friends, and especially to Karey.
Cheers, Carol Moore in Toronto
I just got back from La Grange! It was so great to meet you Liz...and your work is so much more wonderful in person...the pics could never do it justice...just gorgeous!
Liz, I had Taco salad at about the same time you did - but in the UK, and I had to make it myself.
The food looks tempting - but not nearly as gorgeous as the artwork you are producing! Am loving reading your blog - but am exhausted just thinking about all the work. No wonder you're in bed early! Will I see you in April?
Everything looks great Liz. You're doing incredible work! Hope you have fun at the party. Love Carol
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