Stopped by Virginia's studio and she had new stuff up on her wall. She had painted a bunch of knotholes and those were up and she was busy doing some other things.

Her piles of fabric are getting more and more she is feeling much more comfortable in her surroundings.

This is a closeup of some of the texture on one of her pieces.

And some more texture on another piece.

and more texture on her piece with the branch. It's fun watching these come about.

Here are two of the knot holes closer up. She isn't sure yet just what she will be doing with them yet but tonight she is busy ironing on what is left of our precious Misty Fuse. Iris Karp is sending more and it should be here tomorrow...thankfully, then I can get more of my orange fabric fused.

In this piece, Virginia decided it was time to just do what she wanted to do and to stop trying to plan everything out. In this, both of us work the same...let the fabrics talk and tell us what to do.

so, in keeping with Virginia's challenge, here is piece #7

and in a different vein, Piece #8 I have started to foil some of the orange fabric which is great fun.
I am really enjoying letting the pieces come out whatever size and shape they want to be. I enjoy having little parts sticking out. I enjoy not have square corners...
There is lots going on around the Franch. New gliders are being put together, more seating is being put outside in various peaceful places for guests' enjoyment, everything is getting spruced up and Pam, Karey's assistant is frantically trying to figure out where to put more cots. Everyday Karey gives us a new figure of how many people will be here and it is beginning to get staggering! What a little shindig!
I must thank everyone for taking the time to comment...even those of you who had to go to my
website in order to reach me because they couldn't leave a message on blogger for some reason. Both Virginia and I have gotten a kick out of reading the messages. You all made our day!
Thanks to you all again, and especially my good buddie Gerrie Congdon who has become my greatest cheerleader!
Gee, it's 8:30 pm...must be bedtime!
Your work is great! We all miss you and can't wait to see all of your new stuff in person! Jacob is actually creating some art right now after he saw your blog. All done in many colors by crayola on some pink textured construction paper.
Liz, Thank you for mentioning your blog on the saqa email. I came over here that day and I've been reading daily since then. I love both your work and Virgina's and I really appreciate you taking the time to blog about your AIR experience. I look forward to seeing what you have done each day!
Have fun! I can't wait to come back tomorrow and read some more!
Here I am again. I was so excited to see all the comments this morning. I had a great day in my studio today. I made a screen of fake handwriting - really cool. I did some quilting on a piece I started in Charlotte's class. Tonight I went to High Fiber Diet and shared some of my work and got some nice feedback. It was a good day.
Hi Liz,
I guess I need to comment since I've been lurking for the whole two weeks and LOVE watching your process. The AIR progrom is a wonderful opportunity, you and Virginia really seem to be soaking it up, and the rest of us get to live vicariously through your blog. Many thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see what the next two weeks bring, and I hope you show us the finished pieces after you get home and quilt them. Cheers from Germany!
I am really enjoying watching the progress of your adventure, I love the discharged circles pieces, thank you for sharing
Me again, saing "hi." Gee, I wish I had Gerrie as a cheerleader. On the other hand, I wish I were doing something besides packing boxes. Bor-ing. You're so right about letting the fabric lead us.
And if it leads you in new directions, so much the better. You guys must be using all the fabric on the planet!
It's been such a long dreary day here. Checking into your blog and seeing all the fabulous stuff that you and Virginia are doing just makes my day. Still envious, still wish I could be there, but here I am enjoying the sites you post anyway. Glad to see you both having so much fun.
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