The sun was shining and it has been a beautiful day.
I have been whining about the fact that Virginia has a design wall that must be thirty feet by 8 feet and I only have an 8 x8' wall. Whine, whine, I can do that so well. Let me tell you, if you whine to Pam she shuts you up with what you want...I'm not sure that is a good parenting technique but it sure made my day.
This is a picture of Ermalinda on the left and Pam on right after they finished my second design wall. I still don't have as much space as Virginia does but everyone will be at my space most of the day on Saturday and Sunday and they will have lots of time to admire whatever is on my wall. Maybe I should change exhibits every hour with an announcement to get everyone to look! I'm being silly...

I must put in a big plug for Janome USA. When we first talked about coming to the Franch, there was only one sewing machine, a Bernina, a good Bernina, but still, a Bernina. Well, with two of us, that just wasn't going to work. Virginia quickly indicated she would be willing to use the Bernina since that is what she has at home. So what would I like? We sent the word to Karey that we (I) would like a Janome 6600 since that is what I have at home.
Janome sent two 6600's, a Gen Plantinum and the Expression (the needle punch machine) Wow. Then I realized that I still needed the straight stitch plate for free motion machine just makes a world of difference. So Karey contacted Janome again and a big box arrived today with two of every foot there is for this machine...and there are lots! It was like Christmas again!
The support we have had from misty Fuse, Janome, and Superior Threads has been absolutely wonderful!!!

So this morning I finished off the piece I had been working on, got it completely fused and trimmed up...I like it now.
Spent the day re-discharging three pieces as they didn't come out with enough definition. Had lunch while they were washing out. Piddled around doing several small things and finished a couple more while I waited for my fabric to be finished. I have realized that I still have a full week after Sunday and I have bought all the black cotton at Wal Marts in three towns now. Frances Allford has kindly offered assistance from Austin so she is going to send out her buddies to see what they can find for me and bring it Saturday...only quilters would go into a Wal Mart for another quilter!

But I've started playing with scraps and like the little pieces.

Virginia suggested that we go outside for a treat...just escape...get away...see the countryside and maybe end up with ice cream or some else deemed appropriately special. So off we went down the other side of Karey's road and then we headed out on 159, remembering that Karey had said something about a nice little town that is only open on the weekends...Round Top, we thought she said. What a fascinating little town...but it was closed up today because it isn't a weekend. And there will be a quilt show next weekend, opening, so we can go to it before we leave.
I have discovered the Virginia and I both like to take pictures of the same things...rust, distressed items, old stuff, you name it, nothing like most people take to record their vacations! So I have included a picture of prime Texas real don't get mad at me, Karey, I can talk like this because Texas is my home state! And besides, it's just a neat picture!

Virginia needed to go to the grocery store and we decided that 5:30 pm wasn't too early to eat dinner...especially if we go to bed at 7 pm. So, again, our brains were working and remembered that Karey had pointed out Mac's Road House and said it was pretty good eating. Just past Wal Mart (that still didn't have any black cotton for me)
Virginia decided not to go for the fried shrimp and catfish again. Said she needed to eat more healthy she got grilled shrimp. Don't those look great? That big mound of white is mashed potatoes...about three servings worth. What you don't see in the picture in the huge bowl of fried corn fritters or maybe more like corn know, like tater tots only made with corn and dough. They were really good but she didn't want anyone to know that she was eating fried food again...don't tell anyone!

And I am still on a quest for good chicken fried steak...the last one I had had a piece of "steak" that was less than 1/4 " and not more than a hamburger patty size. So when the waitress asked me if I wanted the small one or the larger one, I went for the larger one.

Now that is a heaping plate full of chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes covered in white gravy...really low fat! But was it good! I'll get to remember how good when I have some more of it tomorrow for lunch and then the rest for dinner tomorrow.
I went back up to the studio to do some clean up so I don't embarrass Karey in front of everyone with my messiness. Found the counter again, or at least part of it and carefully stacked my stuff neatly. Put three boxes on the table which I will move to store under my cutting table. My new design wall leans against the wall right next to the, if anyone closes the bathroom door (this bathroom has two private bathrooms (toiddies) and a private shower, but if the door gets closed, my wall gets a good puff of fresh air and hits the floor. It just can't stand fresh air!!

Stopped by Virginia's studio on my way back tonight and her green piece is getting even longer.

Here is it all by itself and you don't get any sense of how long it is but it is 24" by about 10 feet right now. Who knows when it will end...the never ending project!

But then, here is a great picture of her aspens which are done. It is just wonderful and so very simple!
Well, everyone here has been rushing around burning piles of branches, painting signs so people won't get lost, making tags for cars when they are parked so that you can't pick a new car for yourself from the valet parking. There will be tours around the property and if it dries out enough, you can walk around and sit in nice little places and feel the peace...of course, it's been too busy to be peaceful but we will feel it again on Monday! It really is going to be fun. Virginia can hardly wait to see my public face that I will put on....the smiley one!!!
Liz, I love how the projects you've shown us are coming along! Yours and Virginia's are both just beautiful!
Good luck on your friends finding that black fabric for you. To tell you the truth, I'm surprised to hear that Wal-mart has black cotton. I know that sounds tacky of me. ;)
Y'all have fun this weekend! I can't wait to read about it and see the pictures you'll post!
I am so in love with Virginia's two pieces. Yowy zowy. That is the kind of stuff I dream about.
I love hearing about your Texas outings and food. Wpuld the corn things be Hush Puppies, by any chance?
My only brother died of a heart attack today so I am taking one of those bisttersweet journeys to be with family in NY.
I've been a silent lurker, but reading faithfully. Having been to the Franch and experienced Karey's and Pam's hospitality, I am reliving my happiness while reading about yours. Please tell Karey and especially, the "can-do" Pam hello for me. And a shout-out to Virginia too! You're both doing some amazing work.
Reading your blog has me living in heaven! I almost faint from such "ah" and awe at just thinking about being there and working in such a way!
Wow! and wow! You have both made some amazing works and it is my daily pleasure to share the journey with you through your blog. Thanks Liz for taking the time to write and post pictures...feels like I am walking in the shadows and being the observeror again and again with you. The weekend open house should be an amazing addition to your AIR time, and it is certain that you will get the positive responses to the works you two have created from those coming to the fete.
Again, thanks for sharing the journey
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