This is the first big piece I started and I have done a lot of screening over the piece and I am more satisfied. It's better but not great.

Virginia has changed her studio around so that she has better light over her sewing table. And you can see that she can look at some of her wonderful fabric while she works, and she can also look at her design wall which is to the left. Life is so difficult. She has spent today sewing on smaller things and getting back in to the swing of sewing as she has been so busy with the Fiber Art for a Cause program for the past year and a half.

I got this piece put together. It is about 44 x 70", a little bigger. The pieces are starting to add up. It has been very difficult for me to keep on making tops since I am so programed to get things finished before I start something new. So now I have about 6 fairly good size pieces that need to get quilting done. I put in an emergency order to Superior Threads for some gold color thread as well as black and also mono poly which is clear and also their smoke. It will be here on Thursday. So this piece joins the pile that has been fused to the batting.
I think I will do the pillow case method once I get some 60" fabric painted. Virginia kindly gave me some since she would have to ship it home, so tomorrow I will be painting fabric so I can get some backings on before this weekend. That will help to stabilize them better. So, do that first thing and then start another one.
I also silk screening adhesive for foiling and did two pieces of fabric, one with a beautiful orangie-gold and the other with some brownish foil. Really neat, now I have to decide how to use them. I will also be making some cards for Karey's Heart 2 Heart project for wounded soldiers in the hospitals.
We all went out for dinner tonight, Karey, Virginia, me and Pam, Karey's very hard working assistant. Had good Mexican food again and Virginia and Karey both came home with lunch for tomorrow.
It's an early bedtime tonight. The weather has gotten cold and it is very windy. Burrrrr...time to crawl under the covers and get warm and read for a little while.
Oh yeah, if you stop by to read any of this, would you just say hi? You know, it's nice to know that a few more than three or four people happen to look this way. You don't have to say anything other than hi...no compliments expected (of course they are welcome!) but just say hi!
Many thanks....
Hi!!! Of course, I can't just say hi...
I love the first piece with the blues. I am needing some color in my days, after the blah wintery weather we have had.
Gosh Liz, I love reading about and seeing the results of your big adventure at the Franch with Virginia. Thanks for sharing all of it!
Hi Liz!
Nice work! You're inspiring me to get at my pile of discharge fabric. Don't you LOVE the stuff that discharges to white or cream? So many possibilities! The oranges, and rusts are great too.
Sue K.
Hi Liz! Great work! Your facination with the frozen stuff reminded me of the time I painted a 6 yard piece of fabric in the winter (deadline...need I say more?) and let it dry over night. The ice made some really cool things happen to the paint. I had to bring it in the next day to finish drying, but it might be fun!
I am looking forward to seeing some of this work in person!!!
Cara Gulati
Hi Liz, I am soooo jealous. How glorious to spend so much time in a creative flow. I love your photos of ice forms.
Liz in Colorado
Hi Liz - I've been reading your blog all along and finding it so inspiring - I love what you are doing! My life has had such complications lately I haven't been into my derelict studio (a soap opera on its own) to produce new work, so have been truly having a vicarious thrill following your journey here. Bravo - and thanks for the inspiration! Lura
Hi Liz,
Sunlight huh! Great results! Does Sunlight give off fumes as it is discharging?
I have been checking in on your blog regularly. You and Virginia are inspiring.
Thanks so much for letting us take the journey with you (the internet rocks).
Laura Gawlinski
Thank you so much for taking the time to blog and share your experience with the rest of the world. I am green with envy that you get to be there, but darn happy for you too! I am learning so much from you. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hope the next 2 weeks are as wonderful as the last 2 have been.
Gayle McKay
Oh, Liz the Younger!
Many of us Art2Mail gals are so envious of your "sabbatical" at Karey's ranch. Wish I could be there for this coming weekend's festivities but your wonderful blog is the next best thing!
Warmest wishes from
Cathy in NE PA,
busy finishing up 2006 A2M cards
Love following your journey at your retreat. Wish I could be there.
another Liz
Liz---Thanks for keeping us in the loop! The retreat looks like HEAVEN!
Hi and thank you! love reading about what you are doing, I impress with the amt of work you are getting done You go girl! Liz
Hi Liz,
I have been stoping by to read every other day or so. What a great time you must be having!!!!
The A2M group is so proud of you!!!! Your work is just wonderful, but then we wouldn't expect to see anything less from such a wonderful artist!!!
Keep us up to date on all your adventures.
Phew! Finally caught up with all of the first 2 weeks and am enjoying the vicarious experience.
So, adding my "hi."
Hi, Liz! Didn't know you needed affirmation that people were reading your blog...even I'm reading it, and I'm right here at the Franch with y'all! I love what you're doing now--am particularly fond of the "hurricane" one--and am eager to see what the next 14 days bring!
Karey B
Hi Liz. I'm loving your new work. Of course we are reading your blog!
Jo G
I have been enjoying your adventures at Karey's place and the great work you and Virginia are doing. I imagine you haven't gotten many comments because we all know how valuable your Texas time is to you. But now the box is open and you will have more comments than you ever dreamed.
Hi and I love the brownish, bronze piece. Put up a picture when it is quilted please.
hi liz! of course we're all reading. you're spoiling us rotten..love the discharge piece with the circles...
keep having FUN!
What a marvelous experience, Liz and Virginia! I feel I've been there right with y'all, and wish I could come for the grand finale! keep up the great work, and enjoy!
Jeri Riggs
Thanks so much for keeping us posted with your retreat. This way we can be there vicariously - and maybe plan one day to attend such a grand affair!
I love the discharged pieces - I think they'd go well with rust-dyed work, too.
Keep on creating - we're all watching!
Pat in NJ
Hi Liz
You're lucky the roads your way were bad this past week--or I'd have been there 'helping'---we're all jealous--you look like you've had such fun---see you on Saturday
Sylvia at work in Weimar Texas just a short twenty minutes away from you
Wow, Liz and Virginia! How cool for you both! I love the discharged fabrics. Oh ... you both make me hungry to do some painting/dyeing.
You are having just way too much fun. I love the painted and discharged fabrics, and I'm very excited to see how that large piece is developing.
Wish I could be there with you guys this weekend.
Hi Liz,
Sounds like you're having a very productive time.
See you Saturday.
Kay S.
Loving it all! Your stack of discharged fabrics is delicious. I am here reading every day. Keep it up.
Hi Liz,
It's wonderful to see what you have been up to day by day. Now what I need is the determination you seem to have and a good chunck of time without other distractions.
Hi Liz,
Thanks for this blog. It has been very inspiring to me. I have to have about ten new pieces for a show later this year and was dithering about how to start. Now I know - make lots and lots of fabric first instead of for one project at a time.
Your work is also inspiring, as usual.
All best,
Lora Martin
Santa Barbara, CA
Hi Liz! I read your installments of the great art adventure every evening and I have enjoyed it so much. Thank you for sharing and letting me go to sleep with visions of your work dancing in my dreams. Have Fun! Jeannie in Washington State
Hi from the UK part of GloDerWorks Liz, :)
How I would love to be with you all! it all looks amazing. Enjoy the rest of your time and best wishes to you all.
Hello from Virginia! I really enjoy checking in on your progress every day - thank you so much for sharing this adventure with us!
Hi Liz (and Virginia),
I have loved seeing your progress! I have painted with Virginia before, but it is still fun to see what the two of you are working on. Keep having fun and enjoying your creative time!
HA, Looks like Karen and I don't sleep.
Hi Ladies,
I am drooling over all that gorgeous fabric and you can be sure I am taking notes. It's so fun to share your days at the franch..thanks for blogging. Can't wait to hear about the weekend party. Liz, I am a west coast girl from Calif., so I am fascinated with snow and ice too. I have taken a ton of pictures of the snow this year in Oregon, since we have had more than our usual share. Enjoy the next two weeks and say hello to Virginia! I am impressed with what you guys have accomplished so far. Keep the pictures coming.
Looks like you are having fun! I would love to spend a month doing what you are doing!
Hi Liz!
Your work is lovely, I do wish I could join you this weekend but it isn't in the cards. Have a great time during your next two weeks, I'm sure they will go fast.
Susan A.
Can't wait to see everything in person. See you Saturday.
Hi Lis
I see you have got yourself up and moving quite nicely, I knew you could do it.
This blog is my #1 fave adn I check it first thing
Hi Liz and Virginia, my comment was lost that I posted yesterday. I wanted to say hi, again, as I'm one of the 3 or 4 you know is reading this blog, and enjoying it ever so much! I'm looking forward to coming on Saturday. My friends are wondering why I'm going to Texas. For a major party, of course, with a gaggle of artists! Or is that a giggle. It will be fun!
I'm de-lirking to say HI! I've been reading your blog for a while now and daily since you started AIR. Your work is gorgeous! I'm a lucky owner of one of your postcards actually. I can't wait to see what else you accomplish...
Hi Liz---Just stopping by to say "HI" and tell you how much I'm enjoying reading about your day to day adventures at the Franch. It's an amazing place, and so generous of you to share this opportunity with us! I'm so envious of your whole 4 weeks there to just be in the studio. I'm on the road teaching now, so it does inspire me while I'm not able to be in my own studio to get any work done. At least I can live vicariously through the experiences you and Virginia are having. And that is quite a treat! You make me anxious to get home again and have some studio time. Keep up the good work!
Carol Taylor
whatever you write on your blog comes through to me as part of an enormous email. But I tend not to comment because I'm not at your site, very remiss of me :( .I enjoy seeing what you have been doing so much; not just your recent creative activities, but all of it, so thank you very much :)
Liz and Virginia: I've been surfing in and enjoying your AIR vicariously all along! But I've been working too...to get my files transferred from PC to Mac and (small drum roll and please pass along to Virginia if you can?) FINISHING my FFAC Reverse Auction piece! Yep...will take pics today and post on my blog and website this week, and announce to the QA list. Still have to do sleeve and label (of course), but it is going well!
Toodles, and enjoy access to REAL Mexican and Tex-Mex food!
Cheers, Sarah
Hi Liz, I read your blog daily! Thanks for letting me share your wonderful experience vicariously.
Hi, Liz!
Just for the record: you've not been alone. I've been reading along since the very beginning. Your adventures at the Franch are both engaging and inspiring! And, even though I live in frozen Michigan, I'm still enchanted by a world captured in ice.
Go, go, go! Sew, sew, sew!
I am here too enjoying your journey
Hi, Liz (and "Hi" to Virginia, too)! I'm lagging behind a bit. I was off the list for the holidays, got back on at the end of last week, and am getting caught up on all the posts. I got to your blog today and enjoyed half an hour during lunch reading all of your posts. THANKS for sharing! I echo everyone else that it's really a treat to watch your creative process as the new work emerges. I LOVE the new discharged pieces!!! I'll be back.
I have loved reading your daily posts and seeing your pictures!
I am totally in love with the 44x70 piece...the discharged fabric is well done and the composition sings. The blue yellow screen printed piece sends hope of the flowers of spring to me...thanks for sharing your journey
Hi Mom!
We have all been reading your blog here in cold California (freezing all last week)! I am in love with your new stuff! I especially love the circles (including the ones with eyes). I also really like the black ones. A lot different than what you have done.
I love you!
Hi.....it's pretty early but I am really enjoying reading of your creative adventures. Oh Liz, I wish I was there!! All the work you and Virginia are doing looks wonderful Karey is so special to provide this opportunity. I am looking forward to the opportunity to do an AIR once I have an empty nest.
Hi Liz,
I should have posted before, but your work has turned rather amazing. The circles are really coming together for you, I can't wait to see how the quilting changes/effects the mood of your ppieces. Also tell your friend Virginia that I love the rich blues and greens in her latest (1/24/07) piece...reminiscent of a walk in the woods in an ice storm and a frozen pond.
Cheers and hope all goes well,
Christa Z.
your ol' girl scout kid!
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