The class started out with painting fabrics, which you will have to find down at the bottom of the entry. Then they moved in to mono printing and then stamping with found objects and making their own stamps, and finally foiling. It was lots of fun and I think, as you see from the pictures, that a lot of great fabric came out of this day.
At the end of the class we went out for dinner, got me checked in to my hotel and then back to the Center for the meeting and my lecture. I had decided not to do a power point presentation but just showed quilts. I talked a little bit about how I had gotten to where I was, the difference, as defined by me or traditional, contemporary, and art quilters, being a full time studio artist and selling work. They were so responsive to me and said such nice things about my work. They all made me feel so very important.
Annd now for the pictures, of course they are all in reverse order...some day I will figure out how to easily put them in the right order!

fabric that has been painted and stamped

fabric painted and stamped

fabric dyed before class and stamped

mono printed fabric and stamped

painted and stamped fabric

commercial fabric stamped

painted and stamped fabric

mono printed and stamped fabric

painted and stamped fabric

painted and stamped fabric

painted and stamped fabric

painted and stamped fabric

painted and stamped fabric




painted and mono printed fabric

painted fabric

painted fabric

painted fabric


I will update and correct all the students names tomorrow after I have unpacked the car and found my list!
Looks like fun! Wish I was closer to participate.
I'm tagging you.
The rules start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself. People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog. Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment to tell them they have been tagged and to read your blog.
How wonderful that you had this beautiful experience and you do know that you are an important artist, don't you?
love the results your students are getting with the stamping and monoprinting over painted fabric. I looked on Createx website and they have several different types of paints. Would you be willing to share which type your using? I want to try this and don't want to buy the wrong paint. I would take a class with you if you come to the midwest.
looks like you all had fun and some great work was produced,
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