It seems that I have this need to communicate with my group here...lest people think that I haven't been doing anything.
Well, I did take five days off and went up to the mountains where I read, worked on my art journal and cut down trees so that we will have a defendable area around the cabin. I also played computer games. What a change.
Came home Tuesday night and immediately started working on fabric!
However, the week before I was very busy doing monoprints! Those are so much fun that I have scanned a bunch and have posted them...each of these just represents 8x10" of the fabric.
So I have also been doing a Study in Red series of postcards which will probably go out to my Art2Mail postcard exchange group...or at least some of them. I used a monoprinted fabric, did rubbings and then added some commercial fabric sticks and then sewed...well, I have tried twice to put in two of the postcards but blogger is having one of those times...oh well.
Tomorrow I take off to one of Gerrie's favorite places...Bishop's Ranch...for three day retreat with members from my church. It is all about discovering our creativity and I take lots of stuff to help people unleash themselves creating art journals...it really is fun to watch people realize that they don't have to make "ART" and can just have fun with paint, paper, rubber stamps, etc.
See you all next week when I will have pictures of the finished big quilt!
have a great time at Bishop's - love their food!! Love our monoprints. It is on my list of to dos!!
I love your work. You have the most interesting pieces. I have been wanting to try monoprinting. Seeing these, maybe I will soon.
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