First, some left over important business from Art Quilt Claremont. Gerrie, Carol and I in the elevator modeling our crocs....impressive colors!

We are jumping around but on this past Tuesday Doug came down to the studio and delivered a used shelving unit and helped put the batting up on the wall for my commission piece. Man is it big. I can not reach the top with the ladder so when I get to that part I will have to take it down and finish off the top foot or two. I have since marked eight feet horizontally and had the mid point noted with a crease in the batting. I think I will rough some lines to follow for putting fabric up. I have started ironing fusing on to the backs of the fabric I have painted and have done a little more over painting on one of the pieces today. I will need to do even more painting. Today I managed to finish #10 of the 20 Life Circles quilts...only 9.5 more to go!

Last Saturday I taught an Introduction to Surface Design at my studio. I was contacted and Debbie put together a group to come down to take the class. This is a piece of mono-printed fabric.

And another student piece of mono printed fabric.

Isn't this a great all over design? Ready for printing.

Ooooops...we are back at Art Quilt Claremont. This is my buddy, Carol Suto with her clean up cloth in the class.

And this is the view out the window...

Students busy at work doing rubbings using both Shiva Paintsticks and Neocolor crayons

A collection of painted fabrics scrunched up...when dry they will be ready for more surface embellishment.

Painting fabric

A clean up cloth...some of the best fabrics painted were the clean up cloths!

Here's Debbie working away with fabric piled up everywhere.

Mono printing fabric

rubbings done with Shiva Paint sticks and neocolor crayons

Rubbings in action

More rubbings

Playing with different things for textures for rubbings.
Tomorrow, Saturday, is a busy day. Our quilt guild, Amador Valley Quilters, is having our show at the Pleasanton, CA fairgrounds so if you are in the area, come on by between 10 -4 pm both Saturday and Sunday. I have three pieces in the show and will be working there on Saturday doing a stamping with found objects demo at 1 pm. That will be fun!
Looks like fun, Liz - and I love the monoprinting plate waiting for fabric.
Liz, I saw the pix from our class last week. We sure had a lot of fun!!
Thanks again!
Love the croc photo and that is a beautiful photo of Carol.
What a great use for your studio. You could pay the rent teaching classes!!
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