Above is Cool Waters on a Hot Summer Day...you have seen it previously but this is it mounted.

This is one of two slot canyons, can't remember the title that I gave it. It includes hand dyed fabric, some of Lonni Rossi's commercial fabric (on the left) and then a piece of hand dyed that I silk screened...I really like this fabric!

This is the second of the slot canyons...I started this design with postcards and really enjoy it and can see it going much better. These two pieces are mounted on 14 x 16 stretchers. This uses hand dyed fabric and commercial fabric

Aspens in the Moonlight is also mounted on 14 x 16 stretchers. It is all hand dyed and surface printed fabric.
Got three pieces off to the Grants Pass Museum of Art for their show, got all my pieces off for PIQF, got my piece off for the second round of jurying at the Artist as Quiltmaker show at the New Union Center for the Arts (I've never done this second round jurying thing before where they accept the piece via slides, then you ship it in to them for final acceptance and then you find out if they take it and then it comes home only to go back in May for the show) so we will see how that goes. Got entries off for all the big shows coming up with deadline in October...that is, everything except Fine Focus 06. I've been in 02 and 04 but just did not have anything to send for this one...I've been so busy making postcards for the fundraisers that I just didn't get it done. Oh well, two more years and I can try again.
As usual, your work makes me very happy. I love the simplicity of your design and the colors. I want to touch them all.
Lovely. They look so professional! Good luck at the gallery and with all the entries. I know all of these little things take so much time. I hope you have time to get back to the art!
Great job. Your work is inspiring!
I love all of these. I don't know how you do it. I can't imagine having to keep up with all those pieces, what piece is where. Great job!
Ooops. I already commented on how wonderful these pieces are to me. Never hurts to have multiple compliments!
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