I really wished that I could have had time when I got home to get to work as I was really jazed about what they were doing. However, went out to celebrate Robert Burns' birthday at our church with pipers, dances, drums and haggis. Lots of fun.
Then Sunday was busy so didn't to get started although I puttered around and found myself doing a lot on the computer to avoid working on art.
Monday I puttered some more...really procrastinating about doing this...having feelings that my work just isn't very good, Melody is really on a roll, why can't I do beautiful stuff like hers...whine, whine...she got three big pieces done in the past two months and I haven't gotten anything done.
So Tuesday comes and I spent a lot of time fusing webbing to my fabrics. I really need to do a major dye job and get some clear colors done...I am so short on so many colors! So I worked with a lot of tones which seems to be where I am lately...issues around my father are keeping me down and bright colors are what I should do but just don't feel up to doing.
Finally got some stuff put up. The picture above has a center, paler piece changed to a darker piece which I like better.

This piece has the paler piece just below the lower middle...I don't think I like that. I have auditioned a couple of circles and think I like this one more which is more cheddar than the first one.
Well, today had to go off and do my song and dance to try to drum up some lecture and class business. My classes aren't for everyone...traditional quilters just aren't interested. Those who take the design and color classes come out with a lot of knowledge and feel much better about what they are doing then before they started. But got to have a class full of people who want to do that. Well, they came out with some good stuff.
Came home and caught up on some blogs and then futzed around with this piece, and actually did the blue and red swaures and lines today with several color changes and then did the circle. Still thinking about it all.
Well, at least my class Saturday will pay for my insurance for my business. What joy!
Really like this piece. The darker piece is better. I like the depth you've got in it.
I woke up about 30 minutes ago and the brain just felt slushy so I turned to abstract play with some scraps (instead of coffee) to shake it off. Its really nice to know abstract doesn't have to "look" like anything at all.
And I agree with Valeri on the darker piece.
Amazing the difference one small piece makes; thanks for showing the comparison. I like this piece very much.
You did well at the "pony show"... but I think you sell yourself a little short. Even traditional quilters can learn a lot about LOOKING at work by taking a design class.
Next year, maybe emphasize the "I take the lessons in this direction, but even traditional quilters will learn to look at their own work differently".. kind of approach?
I love your visual aids using different shapes. Hope you get some gigs from the pony show.
We just all loved your class Liz, thanks! Some of our CQFA members are asking if you'll come back and teach a class that takes it even further...so think about it.
Your pieces in the CFA show in Los Gatos looked great by the way, it is a really wonderful venue.
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