Spring has sprung but this is two weeks ago when we were having 70 degree weather. Now we are down in the 50's. I know that isn't very cold to those of you who are still in the snow but it is cold to us here in the San Francisco Bay Area!
Couldn't do any dyeing outside because it was too cold and I don't have the space inside to do flat dyeing so it was low water emersion dyeing...about 100 yards as I have a show where I am vending....why do I do this?
The dyeing part isn't so bad...just the wasing out and the ironing...oh the ironing!

Piles and piles of cotton, silk, rayon and linen. Love the textures and can hardlyl wait to play

with them.
And then I have about twenty things I have been playing with with disperse dyes...these two are only 8 x 11 but I do have one that is about 30 x 40 that I still have to quilt, as well as a lot more that are all in-between sizes...just having fun with this. The photos are really bad and out of shape as I just took snapshots of them.


this is what I have really been doing...discharging various black fabrics and this is the first piece I have done with the discharged stuff. It is a piece of fabric with lutradur behind it which has become a support for the very heavy satin stitching. Then, I stitched cording with the same thread as the satin stitching and added it on after the entire piece was quilted. But it is sewn down in places so is three dimensional and is really cool! This has been so much fun to do! This piece is about 40 x 30 or so.

So, got to go pack and get ready for a trip to Phoenix...