Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Twice in one day

Here is Running Fence 2 which has been colored with disperse dyes and satin stitched. I can't believe how well this takes the disperse dyes!

Next piece will be much bigger...
This piece is 16 x 16".

The next one is 14.5 x 17.5"


  1. Love the colors! After seeing your work in person at the Anderson, I wish that I could see this one face to face. Those fissures look amazing.

  2. How exciting to have this opportunity, Liz! Looks beautiful from here. I haven't worked with disperse dyes and they are not on my list, but who knows? The texture on this piece is wonderful.
    And I love your abstract work in a previous post. Waaah - I wanna make work like yours!

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Very nice, Liz. Would love to see these in person. Where will they be shown? Was sorry to miss SAQA but we were in Portland buying a house that has an awesome studio space. I am so excited.

  4. these are great! what a wonderful and unique opportunity.....
    claire....green with envy!

  5. oh this is delectable like a sorbet! the colours are to dye for. I love disperse dyes they are such fun to use.
