Friday, February 17, 2006

Super Stoked

I am so super stoked today!

Last night I finished my brand new piece and will post it in a day or two...very different and really cool, if I do say so myself!

My dh is gone for the next three days so last night I didn't go to bed until 1:30 am as I was busy finishing my piece and ripping fabric for dyeing which is what I am doing all day today.

Sent out a query to a gallery and got a reponse that they would like for me to come in to show them my work.

Then, this morning Pokey Bolton of Quilting Arts emailed me that she had received her advance copies of the next issue of QA and that my work looks wonderful on the COVER, did I say COVER??? Not only is the article six pages with one piece filling an entire page but on the cover!

Peel me off the ceiling right now...I have dyeing to do!


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Yowza!! I can't wait to get this issue. I am so thrilled for you!!

  2. Wow, congratulations, Liz. You deserve it! I can't wait for it to arrive...

  3. So. Excited. For. You!!!!

  4. enjoy!!!!
    well deserved!

  5. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Hi Liz

    You deserve the cover. Your work is wonderful and inspiring.
    It really fits with this magazine.

  6. from the comments, it sounds like many visitors to your blog are fellow quilters. I'm not. I found your blog from searching for "creativity" on blogger's search feature. Do me (and yourself) a favor. Make the link to your website much more prominent! I didn't even realize it was there and got there from the running fence website. I'm chastizing you about this because I love love love your quilts. And maybe, one of these days, I'll save enough money to buy one.

  7. Congratulations on the QA COVER!!! That's fantastic!!

    I have a question about how you go about approaching galleries. I have been struggling with this for some time and would love to hear how you go about it. Hope you wouldn't mind sharing....

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Liz, I am SO thrilled for you! I cannot wait to get the magazine. Wowie ... and the cover, too!! That is fantastic and well deserved.
    HUGE congratulations hugs!!

  9. WQooooohooooooo, Yeeeeehawwwww, and I'm so thrilled to hear the news and can't WAIT to see it! This must mean things are looking up at Quilting Arts...yippeeeee!

    Cheers, Sarah

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Hi Liz!
    Your article in QA is terrific! I was so stunned when I saw my copy - I'm so proud to have known you - wayyyy back when!
    former AVQ VP

  11. Congratulations on some well deserved rocognition. I love the article and your cover is beautiful. Can't wait for next issue!
