Below is a picture of the commission quilt all folded and ready to quilt on George. The sucker must weight 10 pounds! I tried quilting it free motion on George but that didn't work.

So now you can see the blank wall after the commission was taken down. It really was strange not to have it up and seeing the colors daily.

But then, the past two weeks have been open studios. I spent all of one weekend there and this past Saturday but didn't go in on Sunday because we were busy buying a new car for me

...a little red Saturn Aura. But here are a couple of pictures of the open studio...just my stuff, not my studio mates!

and what used to be the blank wall

So while I couldn't quilt I pulled out the watercolor paper and did several things on it. This is a gesture painting that I did...I really like it and may just keep it the way it is.

So, then, back to the commission piece. I packed it up, put it in the trunk and went out to my friend, Cheryl Uribe's house where she helped me put the quilt on to her Millennium and then away I went.

Do I look happy again or what? Glad to have it on the long arm and started.

I worked about four hours yesterday before I was getting to tired. Went to a funeral at church this morning, came home to blog and send in my entries for World of Beauty at AQS, and now am off to Cheryl's to see if I can get the blue done. Then it is going to take more time tomorrow to get the orange done...I'm am not sure if I will be able to do that by tomorrow or if it will take another day...we will see.
Gloria has gotten my new gallery up on the website--now I just have to load up pictures which I will start in another day or two. The postcards should be here in another day or so and then I can finish up with the mailing list and get those out. And then, if I do everything right, maybe I can start something new!
Ok, I'm really jealous. Maybe I should retire? Is 42 old enough these days? You are having way too much fun and I am loving seeing all you do, but I have some questions...if you can find a minute. :) What kind of art courses have you had that you know how to use all the paint, dyes, stamps and gadgets? And how do you store such a large amount of your work when it is not being shown? Oh and on another note...because of your help and encouragement on my postcards for Virginia, I signed up for an exchange on art2mail. ;) Is this the onset of quilting art insanity?
It is going to be magnificent, Liz. I can't wait to see it hanging in its new home in AZ.
You DO look happy! Did you decide to quilt the commission on the Millennium purely for size and weight reasons? I had a Gammill Classic a long time ago and am thinking about getting another machine. The George is tempting (due to studio space considerations), but I'm wondering if I'll be happy if I don't get a long arm on a table. Hmmm. Since you've quilted on both, what are your thoughts? Aloha!
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