This is beginning to look more like a studio...just need to get that silly stair stepper out of here! Who on earth needs one of those in the studio! I have moved the big table around, gotten some basket shelving and have lots of room to work, which I have been doing.

So you can see four tables put together at the other end of the studio. Without that big 4 x 8 table way up in the air, I now have another wall that I can use without ducking under it. The clock is going to have to move and I need to paint this wall white so it looks better. At least it looks good with some fabric on it. I painted the fabric the other day and while I was there on Wednesday, I was discharging fabric and while waiting for the action of the bleach, I started playing with my Shiva paint sticks on the two pieces of fabric. This wall makes a great place to let them hang to cure...sounds like meat, huh?

so here you can see some samples of discharging up on my design wall. It's fun to have the space to see what it all looks like!

so this is one of the pieces of fabric that I painted and then used paintsticks on. I really like the texture it have been given.

This is a close up of the other piece...just too much fun to sit there and do the rubbings! My goodness but making art is fun! And so great for the soul! It's really fun to make fabric because I don't need to worry about design or composition, just color and texture, as it will all get cut up!
well, I didn't get into the semi-final listing for public art for our library...they just don't know what they are missing. But it is just as well as it looks like a commission (big) is coming my way. I am so excited about the possibility of doing this as the piece will be a little over 9 x 10 feet and will be in oranges and turquoise...gee, my favorite colors! It will go in to a very modern house with lots of metal and stone...oh, I want to do this so badly! Just waiting to hear from the gallery the a price has been worked out and a contract signed!
so I just called my good friend, Cheryl Uribe, who is a dealer for the APQS machines...you know, the long arm machines! I am lusting after the George and if this commission comes through I will need to it do all the sewing (at least more easily) on this big piece. That would be so nice! Just waiting...meanwhile I should be getting my tax stuff together so it can get to the preparer....ugh...that just is not much fun. But then on the other hand I was talking to our new church secretary about possibly doing some work for me and she thinks probably a couple of part time days a month would probably do it...and then she asked about my bookkeeping system. Boy did I laugh! Actually I do have a system on QuickBooks but I got bogged down with it so my system is to put the receipts in a file and then figure it all out at tax time...I do invoice all of the work I sell, and the teaching I do so at least that is ok.
Took ten large quilts and 10 framed pieces to my photographer today so I can get some digitals and slides made for show entries. I will be sending off four of the framed pieces to Textures Gallery and some of the smaller ones to Artisan's International Gallery, oh and did I mention that I am a featured artist there for the next several weeks. If you are in Minden, NV, stop by and tell Bronwyn hi for me!
So now I am off to work on my magazine article that needs to have been done by yesterday! Oh well, nothing like a little pressure to keep one out of trouble!
How exciting! A studio in the making, a commission, and an article. Wears me out to read about all of this activity, Liz -- but it's fabulous.
Looking forward to seeing you soon at Claremont!
Hi! What do you cover your table with when you're painting with dye? (Great site, by the way!)
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