Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time at the Studio

Yesterday I was down at the studio for most of the day until I just got too cold. So I took off for a short trip to Dick Blick for some small canvases so I could mount stuff on them instead of  putting them under a mat board. It was so nice to sit in the car with the seat warmer going and the heater on full blast. And then I returned to work some more at the studio but finally had to leave at  3:30 because I was just too cold. I had gotten a heater which just sends the heat straight up to the ceiling...not where I want it. Oh well, I have brought a piece home to quilt at home and will spend some time sewing the facings on to several other pieces. I feel like a starving artist suffering in an unheated garrett working away for my art...of course, I am certainly not starving!

Below is one of a series of collages I have been working on. It is painted canvas which has painted paper stitched to it and is further stitched for other design elements. I have mounted it flush on a 5 x 7" canvas so that the canvas does not show in front at all and it all sticks out about 1 inch.

This is a piece that I did yesterday and it is 6 x 6". I painted canvas, stitched painted paper and fabric down and did further stitching. It has also been mounted on stretched canvas of the same size. I really like this and have started several as I love the ability to paint directly on the canvas in a far more painterly way...ie., lots more paint than just a color wash.

And I did spend time with my embellisher adding silk pieces to a background of glittzy organza (polyester). I am trying to decide if I want to add any stitching, either hand or machine.


  1. I am in love with the second piece.

  2. Thanks, Gerrie, this is my favorite one...I am going to minimalist!

  3. Hey Liz. That second piece is my favoite also. How are you attaching the pieces to the small canvases?
