Monday, January 04, 2010

The New Year and sneaking time to work

During the past two months so much has been going on (Thanksgiving, Christmas, children coming, etc) that it has been very difficult for me to do much work. I knew this would be the case and I tried to tell myself that it would be fine but it is really difficult for me to not have regular time in my studio. Part of it is because I need the creatie time but the other part is because I very much need the alone time. I really don't like to go-go-go all the time, really, not too much of the time, but I did sneak in once in a while.

I had purchased the Pfaff needle punch machine a couple of months ago and would sneak in to my studio, which became the clean up the house dumping ground, and do little pieces of felted work, trying to understand how this type of process works best with my style of work. This has been a time of experimentation and play, which is so very important to us all.

Because these are small, I could have a sense of acomplishment.

This is the last one that I have done...I have been working on painted cotton batting, felted wool, or purchased felt. Ihave incorporated painted lutradur, wool pieces and roving, yarns, paper that has been painted, cheesecloth and wool fabrics that have been shrunk.  I have also been using silk and silk chiffon and I love the texture of the silk after it has been punched. The bright blue is chiffon. I am still playing along so we will see where this goes.


  1. Best work I have ever seen done on a needle felting machine. I got to use one at the SDA conference and have contemplated getting a machine.

  2. In the last few months of not doing creative work..this is one machine I do play on because it is so easy.. I have had one for years and know you will enjoy experiment with lots of different fabrics, embellishments and anything that you think will not break the needle..angelina fibers is awesome on a piece of art..done on this machine..looks good what you have start..this is were it begins..hugs, Lorraine

  3. So very pretty. I also love my machine. My choice of base has been colored cotton duck. Silk sheers are my favoite because of the way the light reflects after it has been punched. Rayon and polyester sheers are a close second.

  4. These are very neat, Liz...and these pieces are definitely your "style"!
