Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hidden Messages

I have now scanned 32 of my new collages! Have I ever been having fun!

So I am going to start sharing them here with Hidden Messages, which are 5 x 7" and matted to 8 x 10 with archival mat and backing board, ready to frame for only $75, shipping including in the US.

Hidden Messages 1:

Hidden Messages 2:

Hidden Messages 3:

Hidden Messages 4:

HIdden Messages 5:


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Intriguing! I want to know the story.
    These are wonderful Liz. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Thanks for sharing.

  2. lovely- I think your use of black and white really ads sparkle

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM do you manage to produce so much in so little time?

    Thanks for posting them...
