Wednesday, August 05, 2009

to Disneyland and back

I am so glad I got to spend some time in the studio last week because I have spent the last five days with my grandsons and their parents and my husband on a long drive to Long Beach and then to California adventure and then Disneyland. And, of course, the long drive back.

Today I had a completely adult day, spending it with Marjorie De Quincy and Marion Coleman at the quarterly SAQA meeting in Petaluma. I haven't been able to go for some time so it was really nice to see people I haven't seen in a long time.

Best of all, I saw Cathy Ortelle who suffered a stroke a couple of years ago and is finally able to life her left arm up to her shoulder and to even touch her head with her left hand. This is just wonderful because Cathy is a die hard quilter with a long arm machine and just a fe months ago she got a quilt on her long arm and quilted it. I have mentored Cathy for several years and really appreciate the gains she has made as a quiltmaker but most of all her ongoing recovery.

I was also able to see Karen Flamme who had an aneurysm several months ago and is now on the rapid road to recovery.

Keep Miriam Nathan-Roberts in your prayers; she is again fighting cancer.

I finished the day with a nice Thai dinner with other great friends, Robin Niderost and Carol Suto. Carol had three pieces accepted in to a recent show of small works and received a Juror's Choice award for one of her pieces. Way to go!

I have started my typhoid vaccine, I have gotten a new day pack, we have our plans for the trip and tomorrow I start packing.

Saturday at 5:30 am we leave from the church to go to SFO and on our way to Uganda.

This is getting exciting now!

We have all made journals which are just beautiful and I will start putting things in now, like the map, itinerary, etc

It's a reality I am still finding hard to believe! I am going to Africa! I have been ready Lisa Call's blog and she is in South Africa now.


  1. Have a safe and wonderful trip, Liz. Look forward to a report and pix. sorry to hear about Miriam Nathan-Roberts; there is always the spectre of it coming back and it is always terrible when it does.

    Thanks for your comment on my work-in-progress. yes, it is a departure for me but I can't think it is permanent.
    big hugs,

  2. Have a great time on our trip to Uganda. I look forward to your comments and pictures.
