Friday, August 21, 2009

Amsterdam again

Well, my thoughts about keeping this going the entire time went up into nothing as we have not had internet access while in Africa. I did briefly at the hotel in Kampala but not since we left there.

Right now I am at the Amsterdam Airport waiting for our flight back to SFO. It is a non stop flight lasting about 11.5 hours, after taking 13 hours to get from Queen Elizabeth National Park to Entebe for the airport. We had a three hour wait in the airport which was extremely hot and humid. Now we are sitting in Amsterdam again waiting after finishing a nine hour flight. We have a five hour lay over and arrive home on Saturday Afternoon...right now I have no idea what day it is...

I have taken about 1600 photos, have many notes, lots of things I will never take for granted again, and tons of emotions, impressions, thoughts, etc to process. On Sunday afternoon I am going to Asilomar to spend a week with a group of quilting ladies and will catch up on so much.

I will be sharing regularily to get everthing caught up...there is so very much to share.

See you all tomorrow, many pictures to come!

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to hear from you. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures.
