Wednesday, April 29, 2009

East Bay Heritage Quilters

This past Saturday I taught beginning design to a great group of women from East Bay Heritage Quilters, a group from the Berkeley area in the San Francisco Bay Area. What a great group of people, ready to work hard...I had them moaning for relief!...well, not really but they were wonderful about doing all the exercises I gave them in a very limited period of time. We spent the last hour of the day with me doing critiques on the last three exercises that they had done. What a great time and so many told me that the class had been so helpful to them...

I went back on Monday and taught a day on color. Some people were a little reluctant to donate their fabric strips to the pile. Everyone layed their strips out in the color ways and when everyone was finished getting them on to the table, I walked over and mixed them all up. I had four groups at tables so would have them work together for some of the exercises, and then alone for some. Their first task was to come up with the primaries and secondaries in pure hues...a little difficult but they got it done. A great lesson in relativity!

Had dinner that evening with the program co-chairs and then off to the meeting where I did my presentation. I had been able to get a slide presentation done in short order on my new Mac using Keynote which was so much easier than doing it previously on Power Point. Oh,how happy I am to be back to Mac!

The entire group was very generous with their compliments! I felt like I was on the top of the world...very tired but very happy.

Back down to earth yesterday taking my dad out for pre-op appointments for his cataract surgery next week. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to get down to the studio for a while! I want to do some more painting as I figure out where I want to do next with my work...all this is a way to procrastinate about pulling together the things I want to ship to Galesburg for my show which is in only three weeks! Yikes! Can't procrastinate too long!

1 comment:

  1. Liz,

    What a wonderful time you had teaching.
