Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sale for Fiberart For a Cause

I have put up 12 postcards to sell for the American Cancer Society Fiberart for a Cause (FFAC) which Virginia Spiegle has set up. Each card sells for $30 and I will send it to you in an envelope via first class postage.

If you would like to purchase one of the following postcards, please email me at to advise me as to which piece you would like.

Wait to receive confirmation that the piece you want is available.

Then go to the FFAC donation page for the American Cancer Society at to make your donation via credit card.

I will then receive confirmation from Virginia that your postcard has been purchased and will then send your card directly to you with confirmation sent to you that I have sent it.

Card 1: SOLD

Card 2: SOLD

Card 3: SOLD

Card 4:  SOLD

Card 5:

Card 6:

Card 7:

Card 8: SOLD

Card 9:

Card 10:

Card 11:

Card 12:


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Thanks, Liz, for donating even MORE of your artwork to Fiberart For A Cause. We have already donated $165,000 to the American Cancer Society and hope to keep growing that number. Virginia Spiegel

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