Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Day Exploring

What a fun day this has been. I got a great night's sleep and caught up and woke up rested and ready to go. The weather is the low 60's, with a nice brisk snap to the air. One of my students, Sheila from Ottawa, arrived yesterday and we met at breakfast and decided to go exploring for the day. First we headed to Hudson to stop by the quilt store to pick up a couple of things and then wandered some around town which is delightful and interesting. Then, since we are not far from we went to Woodstock.

Aging hippies live there along with lots of normal people. Lots of tourists there. Of course, the concert did not happen in town but out at a farmer's field out of town. I gained some credit when I was speaking to someone who had been here "when" when I explained that during that time I was at Cal Berkeley during the free speech movement. Can't be at both places at once!

We had lunch in town and then decided to head back to the Greenville Arms. Well, the road we thought we were on disappeared and all we had was a map without a lot of detail. The countryside has a lot of detail, including many little roads that were not on our map. We ended up going up and down the Catskills and in circles. Finally, we saw a man out working in his yard and pulled over to ask for help.

TGhe nice man, around 60+ years came over to the care to help up. He was right at the passenger window so I had a really good look at the longest, straightest chest hair that I have ever seen. It was much longer that the hear on my head! And white! I had a hard time listening to his directiolns between my unreal interest in his chest hair and the one inch long hair standing out on the top of his nose. Fortunately, Sheila listened carefully and we found out way back in time to change before our evening wine time and dinner.

There were still a lot of leaves on teh trees...many yellow ones and the red maples were everywhere. It was so much fun looking around and seeing a different kind of countryside. I took pictures but then my battery became worn down. I will download those tomorrow and then post some. What a fun day!

My students are all here except for the one day student so we did an orientation tonight and tomorrow we get started on our class! I am really looking forward to this and I think the students are also! (at least that is what they have said!)


  1. Boo hoo - so sorry I am not able to get there to see you, Liz. Have fun with your class.

  2. Loved reading this thank yoou
