Monday night I went to San Francisco with Dianne Smith who has organized the Running Fence recycled art collection. She had been in Scottsdale not too long ago and had gone into a gallery called Art Space. She talked for a while with one of the owners, Shirley Crane, bought a scarf and then started talking to her about the art work with the running fence. Shirley was very interested.
Dianne, in talking with Shirley, indicated that Liz Berg was one of the participating artists. Shirley said, well, Liz Berg is one of our artists!
What fun! Two people who sell my work meet each other!
So, Shirley was coming to San Francisco for a medical appointment, arrived Monday early evening, and we met her at her hotel and went out for dinner. Just before dinner, however, Dianne showed her a bunch of the work she had brought and I also showed Shirley my new work. She took three medium sized Color Blocks with her and then told me how many other pieces she wanted. What fun!
So, Tuesday I was busy packing up art work for Art Space in Scottsdale and got a whole bunch of stuff shipped off. I still need to get some rings sewn on the back for hanging on some of the pieces. Then those will go off also.
Let me tell you how much fun it is to sit with two women who sell your art work and say all sorts of great things about your work!
I have received enough validation to last at least 2 reality, far longer!
Now back to work!
Fantastic!! It is empowering for others to know that fiber art is a viable art form in galleries out there.