Saturday, July 12, 2008

On Being a Professional Artist-- I Stand Corrected

I came home today and found a copy of my blog about being a professional artist copied and with corrections to my grammar and the content of my sentences. How nice!

I thought, even though the corrections were appropriate, that there was no personal note enclosed, no return address, no signature...just something sent to me at home anonymously. My only thought is that it must have been someone from the SAQA list who felt that my writing was not professional (as professional in the title was circled) and felt it necessary to show me that I was not writing in a professional manner. I figure it must have been someone from SAQA as that group has access to my mailing address. The only clue I have is a post mark of Mamasota, Florida.

I have never claimed to be a complete, all- the -way -there, professional. I would not have minded the corrections at all if that someone had been nice enough to include their name and a note.


  1. Dear Liz,

    Having read your entry The Professional Artist verus The Artist, I found it thought provoking and stimlating. Why anyone should wish to correct you I have no idea! This is your blog and you are entitled to express yourself as you please, take no notice and get on being what you want to be a Professioal Artist, it is certaily hard work.

    Wishing you every succes in your chosen field.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I thought the content was the important part! I could relate to that, being that I am an artist who wants to make money and still create what I like, not just what sells. My Mom started to correct my letters home from college and send them back. She had been an english major and felt that grammer was important. So tell this woman to stop reading as a teacher, and start enjoying the discussion!!! Patty Ashworth in Oak Ridge, TN and not afraid to tell you!!!

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I agree with Patty. You had an opinion about something that means a lot to you. You expressed that opinion through your blog which you have every right to do. You did it beautifully. Mamasota Florida needs to quit being so petty and such a nit picker. Life is full of other peoples opinions and beliefs. If she has an opinion about this topic maybe she should put it in her blog so that we can read her side of it and decide for ourselves. This instead of wasting a stamp and sending, anonymously, no less, grammatical corrections and no opinion. These are the kind of people that give a group (SAQA) a bad name. Let the pettiness go, Liz, and bring on the art. We who visit your blog often, love your art, and value your opinions. Otherwise we would not keep coming back.

  4. OMG, first it is the quilt police and now it is the grammar police. Writing on the web is like talking - sort of stream of consciousness. When writing for a publication, it is very different. Just my opinion or IMHO!!

  5. Liz, I am a "professional editor" and would never take it upon myself to correct someone's writing unless they asked for my help. It's like popping out with a comment like "That dress is ugly" without having the wearer ask for an opinion. Rude and tasteless. Take comfort in the fact that the person who sent the comments is definitely a "hack" at editing because no professional would do that!

  6. Some folks have way too much time on their hands!

  7. Professional artist and professional writer are two different things. I make many mistakes on my blogs, but I hope no one holds it against me. At least we are sharing who we are, unlike your anonymous editor.

  8. Wow! that's WAYYY over the top!! Although I had conflicting feelings on your post, I realize that it's YOUR blog and you can post whatever you want. but I guess once you put it out there you are pretty much at the mercy of "the editors" and those not having the courage to add a name to their handiwork. Don't let the naysayers stop you from expressing yourself as an artist and a blogger!

  9. Liz - there is no such place as Mamasota, FL. Could it be Sarasota?
    What a rude and obnoxious person!

  10. Liz,When I read your thoughtful blog entry I was concentrating on the content not on your grammar, which I didn't even notice and I was an English major. Whether I agreed with you or not was not the issue; the entry provoked some good discussion. But to send a corrected copy of your words, anonymously is pretensious and cowardly and certainly not professional. I don't have good health and often forget how to spell and write correct grammar. Put it behind you and go on with your marvellous art.

  11. Liz, I commend your gracious response to the corrections you were given. Very classy.

  12. I thoroughly enjoyed your posting, it provoked much thought about my ideas about being a professional artist (don't even pretend to be) vs an artist. I feel so bad for you that someone was so rude and pretentious as to correct your writing. I know how that would bother me. "What is the world coming to?" Mary in Raleigh

  13. Anonymous2:12 PM

    That's shocking! It sounds like someone is jealous. Pay no heed to that ***hole. You are a professional. Whenever there is means of contact there will be ***holes. The same holds true with any public interaction be it an eBay, Etsy, or in person.
