Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Just Working Along

My students in my Better Art by Design class are busy on their 5th lesson this week and I am behind in doing the critiques. I have several from lesson 3 to do which were just submitted and also a bunch from lesson 4. I must say, the work they are doing is getting better and better. So are the assignments...they are getting more complete. I will ask a few if I can share some of their images with you all.

But in the meantime, I thought I would share some more of my collages for Fiber Art for a Cause with Virginia Spiegel. This has become my favorite way to give to the American Cancer Society, both through buying things and by supporting Virginia by donating art. I love it!

So, here we go:

Collage 3: Old Words

Collage 4: Peaches

Collage 5: Flowers

Collage 6: Elevation

Collage 7: On the Street
I have already posted Collage 8: Blue Lines, in the previous post. I will post the remainder in a day or so.

Back to work...


  1. Your work is too damn inspiring. I love these. Cathy Ortelle

  2. I am so going to buy one of these. I wondered where you have been. You have been very quiet!

  3. these are wonderful! I'm saving up for one of these...

  4. Hi Liz!

    I've been so involved in book and kitchen and husband's health problems that I have not had time to read some of my favorite blobs - including yours. Glad to finally catch up. The collages look great!

    Glad your on-line class is going so well. We need to catch up off-blog.
