Saturday, November 10, 2007


Well, I have finally decompressed after the trip to New Orleans. It is still in my mind but I have been processing what I saw and what I felt. Art will come from it at some point in time, I know.

I finished up eight small pieces that are for a very top secret project which was something of a challenge as I had to do a series of six on one theme...started off without a problem and then had difficulties trying to decide what else to do...partly because New Orleans was on my mind.

But I got them done and shipped off.

Last Sunday the three other members in my crit group came over to my studio to do some dyeing for the day. Here they you know who they are?

Behind the mask: Alice Beasley
and Claudia Comay and Robin Cowley
We had a lot of fun acting like mad scientists. It was the first time Alice had done any dyeing so we took things slowly. Did all low water immersion except for Robin who started putting dye down on the plastic and soaking up some of it with folded fabric...she will get some great stuff. We will be getting together in a few weeks for show and tell.

I had a great conversation with Claudia about doing good work and then doing work that challenges you and forces you to move forward.

We have a decorating store in town that sells upholstery and drapery fabrics as well as wall paper and flooring...etc. They have been giving me the sample books. I now have so much that I share it with friends!

This is part of the last two piles of stuff out of the hard carriers that it comes in. What a lot of work to get the stuff off of the huge staples!

In this picture you can't see the second tower of stuff right behind the front!

And here is another pile, waiting to fin a home.
I also have a lot of it at the studio. I have been using it for collages but have now started some really neat fabric collages...will do some sewing on them today so maybe I can show some off in the next day of so.

But anyway, I'm back to talking art again!


  1. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I recognized Claudia! Looks like fun. Glad you got the fabric samples. They have so many uses. But you are right, getting them out of the binding is a chore. Loved your N.O. comments. DH wants me to join him there next May for a Jimmy Carter Habitat project. He's just back from LA, his 6th away from home.

    Sally, Walnut Creek

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    OMG - You know Robin? I love her work. It was good to have a lighthearted post from you.

  3. Liz, I grew up in New Orleans and it's still home to me more than any other place, even though I haven't lived there for many years. Your pictures and your account of your time there have been a precious gift. Many thanks to you and all the wonderful volunteers from around the country who have been so generous with their time and efforts!
