Thursday, January 04, 2007

5 Days to go!

It's getting serious around here! Trying to get everything set up for my dad for while I am gone...all his bills are now on bill pay but have to run over there tomorrow to finish up some last minute stuff and also, I am hitting the hearing aid people to get checked for what kind of hearing aids I back is beginning to hurt from having to lean over so much to hear what people say across the table and I am tired of going "what did you say?". Wish they could be ready before I leave but think I will have to wait until I return home...we'll see what the hearing aid people say.

Bought a new suitcase to go with my 24" one...this one is a 29" one and looks huge! I have the smaller one filled up with already dyed fabric and it weighs in at 43 to keep it under 50! So, clothes and other assorted stuff that isn't too heavy will go in the big one. Wonder what they will say when they find my heat gun and all the other assorted things that will be in it!

Getting nervous trying to get everything finished. Still have to get my entry together for Sacred Threads...missed it last year and also my application for public art for the new library going up in our town...15 copies of everything! Fortunately, my little assistant was home for the holidays and pulled slides for me, marked them all, did the slide list, and this is for two different projects. Now I have to finish the artist statements to go with them, check the resume for corrections and updates, get copies of my articles included and then run off 15 collated, hole punched copies. And then get it sent off to the country...tomorrow! And mail off a box of thread and who knows what else I may find!

Oh yeah, and Jacob is coming over tomorrow night so his parents can go skiing on Saturday. Fortunately Doug will help out as Saturday I have to pack my clothes for Texas, pack my bag for overnight in Santa Cruz and pack class supplies and quilts to take with me.

Everyone is keeping a safe distance from me... for their own health!


  1. You must be so excited! Heck, I'm excited! I'll be driving out to LaGrange to see you and Virginia at the end of the month for the big to-do Karey is hosting, and I'm looking forward to it!

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Whew! Would you stop and tgake a big breath. You are moving too fast for me!!

    Why is that women will go do the right thing when it comes to things like hearing aids, but men just won't?

    I think that you and Virginia should have an artist in residence blog so we can share your fun!!

  3. Liz, I agree with Gerrie...I hope to see the happenings on your blog...and please don't make us wait until its over. It really sounds like a lot of fun!

  4. I look forwad to reading about your adventure, have a great time

  5. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Oh, I wish I could go. It sounds like an amazing event and I would love to meet you and Virginia.
