Thursday, August 03, 2006

Information as requested

Let's see, Michelle would like to know how to get on the QuiltArt list. Be careful of what you wish! When you sign up, be sure to sign up for the will get about 10 per day which beats getting 250 individual emails! Go to and you can sign up to see what is going on. Do not despair when the talk moves to Jack russel Terriers or cats and their hairballs or cats in the studio or cats eating pins, or cats whatever...can you tell that I am not a cat lover? I like big dogs.

My satin stitching...I got tired of trying to vary the satin stitch on my top of the line Pfaff which I love for everything else but not its satin stitch. Years and years ago I had had a Singer Athena which had a dial control for the width which made it very easy to change the width of the stitch. With my Pfaff the width would jump down in 1 mm increments which wasn't what I wanted.

So I went to my favorite store, The Sewing Machine Shop, in Walnut Creek, CA and sat down at many Berninas, Pfaffs, New Homes and then the Janome 6500. I had already been interested in the Janome 6500 because of the larger harp area and I wasn't that happy with my Juki whatever it was numbered. The Janome did a better satin stitch for me and I can make infinite adjustments to it...not with a dial but with a push button.
Then, just a month ago, I upgraded to the 6600 which is better yet! And, it does all of the stitches that I want and "only" costs $1500. So now I have to sell the 6500 which I will post on Craig's list when I get a chance.

I am currently going through some adjustments in my life. My father is rapidly losing weight as he is not eating due to the appetite suppressant effect of cigarettes and alcohol. I have tried to get someone in to the house to be with him as he lives alone but this is a no-go...I was directed to get "all those people out of his house." His health is rapidly declining and I am his primary caretaker. A year and a half ago his macular degeneration had reached the point that he was legally blind and could no longer drive. I have been taking him out weekly to run his errands and to pay his bills. But now, things are going downhill very rapidly. I am watching closely to see when I need to actually start staying at his house instead of mine. But, he is in God's hands and there is nothing I can do about his situation other than to be sure that he is comfortable and receives the appropriate medical care. I share this with you not for sympathy but simply to share with the world...why, I have no idea. We can both use your prayers!


  1. god bless you, Liz, for what you are going through with your Dad. It is so difficult when you become the grown-up and your parent becomes the child.

    I just want to say that I love my Bernina 170, but it can not hold a candle to the satin stitch on the 6600.

    Take deep breaths, pray, take care of yourself and you will get through this.

  2. Liz, hangeth in there. (and I'm not a cat lover either...much prefer big dogs with a real bark, german shepards rule!)

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Liz...continue to be strong, give your Dad all the TLC he'll allow and take care of yourself also. Life is short for all of us...getting and giving love is what pulls us through. Thinking of you and your Dad daily. Louise

  4. Thank you for explaining about your satin stitch, I was curious to know which machine you had for that lovely wide stitch. I'm a cat person, perhaps I shouldn't be here (ffffttt!)but I love dogs too!
    Sorry to hear about your father.

  5. Blessings to you Liz as you go through this transition with your father. Take extra good care of you!

    The postcards are spectacular!

  6. P.S. I used to like cats until I observed dozens of feral cats fornicating on the driveway of a friend, for days on end. (no, I didn't go back to watch) It was like a feline Woodstock. It cured me! I love big dogs, too.

    Actually I think this story might make a good country western song!

  7. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Ok, not sure I want to be on the list...but would love to see some of their comments. Some of the things discussed earlier make me believe these people are pretty radical (or stubborn) in their thinking. But I'm gonna go check it out.

    Me...I'm a lover of anything cute and fuzzy...yes ladies...that includes mice...but not spiders (yuck).

    Does your Dad have a pet? A companion dog might help. It's so sad when someone outlives, spouse, family and friends. A co-worker dropped off a young cat at her moms. Said the kids weren't taking care of it and she didn't have time for another pet so could she watch it for a week till she found a home for it. Five years later the cat is still at her moms and mom has a much nicer disposition as well as a pampered pet. Wishing you lots of prayers and best wishes during this difficult time.

  8. hugs as you deal with your dad.
    it can't be an easy thing to do .

  9. Hey Liz, I do look at most links posted to QA, but I tend not to comment - as always your work is wonderful.

    By the way, I'm still waiting for that label for the quilt I bought from you at Asilomar a couple of years ago!!

  10. Oh, Liz - I'm sending kindred spirit hugs. You can't be responsible for what you can't control -- and when they fire their caregivers and won't listen, it's out of our hands. No guilt, please. All you can do is what you are doing.(ask me how I know).
