I've been doing a lot of different things lately. I haven't done my entry way for EDM (EveryDay Matters) but while I was waiting at the dentist's office, I did manage to sketch a little of their entry way...maybe this counts!
However, much to my dismay, I realized that the moleskine book I had gotten was not the sketch book and as you can see, the ink shows through from the other side.

So, Thursday, after spending part of the day with my dad and running him around for his errands, I stopped at the Dick Blick store on the way home. They didn't have any of the sketchbooks in the black cover but, at almost twice the price I could get one that supported the Van Gogh museum and was covered in lucious silk...well, the colors were absolutely wonderful...blue, gree, yellow, purple, orange, etc. Since I couldn't decide, I just had to get two for myself. Now I just have to decide if I want to carry around the purple one or the orange one.
And then the other day I was sketching in my regular sketchbook and did some blind contour drawings of my phone along with a pencil sketch. I haven't used pencil in forever and now I remember why...it

But, least you think that is all that I have accomplished, I did get my new quilt sandwiched and ready to start quilting...however, couldn't start because I had to finish a painting I had started.
So here is Angel in a Pear Tree.
And, then, here is the quilt sandwiched, ready to go and since I think I have finished the painting, I can start quilting!