Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Feeling Good

My son has just left us on his way back to Ohio. Five days is not enough but we spent a lot of time with my daughter, son-in-law, grandson and son and had a wonderful time. It was really nice not share my daughter and her family with her in-laws this year...just somuch more relaxed...last year they flew to PA and flew back on Christmas day so they were tired and everything seemed so rushed. Much better this year.

I am so excited! My first article for Quilting Arts will be in the spring issue so this month has been spent getting the article written, doing the art work for it, documenting it as I go, etc. It's there...they are doing their editing and I can hardly wait to see what it looks like when they finish. It is an article about the ART of art quilting and is abouting creating an abstract piece that is somewhat representational. I'm going to do another article on doing an abstract that is non-representations. The first article discusses the elements of design; the second will discuss the principles of design.

This is way too much fun! Hard work but really neat.

Goals for this year:
continue entering as many art and quilt shows as I can
find an art consultant
get my work on the east coast
set up one woman show
create, create, create

That should keep me busy!


  1. Congrtulations on being published! Look forward to reading your article! Jen

  2. I can hardly wait! This is such exciting news. Congratulations.

  3. Liz - a happy, healthy, successful New Year from me to you. At least you have goals. I think I'll have to sit down and make a list. How do you find time in the day to do all this productive work????

  4. congratulations for the article Liz, so I will now be ordering the spring issue of Q Arts, think I might have to consider subscribing if Artful quilters are taking the mag over.....

    like your possitive goals for 2006, onwards and upwards,

  5. I'm looking forward to the article. Quilting Arts does such a good job with the photos. Photos don't show up very well on my computer, so I'm often frustrated when I look at people's work on line. (need new monitor, apparently.)

  6. Congrats on the article! Looking forward to it!
