Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I can't believe that I am really here! Took the day to get here but I'm here!

Every TV in the lobby and bars are tuned to the baseball game and people shout and hurrah at the top of their lungs. Just adds to the excitement.

Tomorrow my best friend, Carol, receives her award for second place in I Remember Mama...so will take pictures and try to get them up.

Preview is tomorrow and then the fun begins!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog while surfing the Artful Quilters web ring. I've heard your name many times and seen your work, but I had no idea you lived so close-by...I'm in San Jose. By the time you check your blog messages, you'll probably be home from Houston, and I hope you had a great time! I went for the first time last year, and came home exhausted (though in a very positive way). By the way, do you have suggestions about groups to look into getting involved in...in the Bay Area...for folks interested in fiber arts? (I'm thinking of groups aside from the local quilt guild.) Thanks in advance!
