Monday, August 29, 2005

Contest! Name these quilts!

This quilt you have seen with a very poor photo taken by I have photos from my photographer and it looks, oh, so much better!

I am trying to decide if I should just name this piece Fences #... or if I should come up with a better name. Of course, I pose this question as I really don't have a better name so I am asking you to help me. Suggest a name for this one and for the next one.

This piece is all hand dyed cottons which have been cut and fused. I then used Neocolor I crayons to add additional color and I love the way the red-oranges just pop. It has so much depth in it in person. I am really happy with this one.

Now this is finally the picture of my bigger one. It is roughly 50 x 50 " or something or other. My photographer forgot to take two sets of slides for this as I have to send out a set tomorrow so he still have the quilt to retake and I can't measure it right now.

Again, Fences.... or something new and different. It really is interesting to see this photographer because of the size and the mess in my studio I have had a hard time seeing the entire thing at once or from a distance. The background fabrics are dyed cottons which have been fused and then crayon work have been done on them.

The bolder colors are dyed raw silk which I have also silkscreened with a sublte color. The stickts and other blue squares are all machine quilted with a matching metallic thread so it picks up some sparkle...a little difficult to see in the picture.

So, what do you think about a title for these pieces? Of course, they are in my Fence series for they don't have to be titled Fence # such and such. Give me a hand!


  1. How about Stakes or Rails?

  2. Liz, I love your work. I aspire to be able to produce such beautifully simplified pieces.

  3. I think a picture didn't come up.

  4. Why on earth I'm putting in my two cents when I have so much trouble naming my own quilts I don't know, but that second one reminds me of the ocean and sand dunes and those fences they put on some beaches to partially block blowing sand. So I thought of "Dune Fences".

    Not too exciting, but asked! :-)

  5. Woo Hoo finaly the big piece..a what a great piece it is. I usualy go for names that are against the know to make the view think so fences would be to obvious for me but hey, it's your work. Why not Boundaries if you like the fence idea? Or maybe Passing Through..whadda I know.

  6. All I can think of are trite things like "Don't Fence Me In" or "Build Bridges Not Fences". Sorry. Naming is not one of my gifts...

  7. The red one reminds me of some kind of life force...maybe "Keeping Distance".

    The big one reminds me of ocean dunes. Seaspace.

  8. I'm thinking. I'll get back yo you.
