Thursday, June 16, 2005

Catching up

I haven't blogged for a while and all of a sudden I have so much to say...I do know, however, that you all are just picture junkies and if there is too much writing you skip right on by....

Anyway...a funny/interesting thing happened to me last week. I had sent out a request for a call for entries to a gallery in San Ramon for a show but failed to enter in time (because this month there have been tons of shows to enter and still more to go!) so one day last week I got an email from the gallery letting me know that they had not received my entry and that they really like my work. Now that really felt good! A gallery that wants to know where my entry is? So I emailed an entry with a jpeg and got accepted and was asked to bring three pieces out to the gallery. So did that last night (not the week before like I said I was going to, and also took a bunch of the color spots.

They are so excited about my work! They said "We are so honored to have your work at out gallery"
Well, what can I say to that!!

Then this week I got word that one of my pieces was accepted in Tactile Architecture (which was really surprising because it is so different from everything they have had previously).

Got word that Aynex had accepted one of my pieces for her show.

The Santa Cruz Art League accepted three of my pieces.

Gallery 510 accepted two pieces.

and some other place accepted work (oh, maybe that was ArtEscapes Studios and Gallery where I just took some work)

Then just talked to my gallery in Scottsdale and although they haven't sold anything yet there is a lot of interest in my work and Beverly has been really close...just waiting for that to happen.

Then shipped off work to a new gallery in Pueblo which is just starting up and looks kind of interesting.

Well, no wonder I haven't a clue as to where any of my work is.

Okay, back to the sewing table!!!


  1. well I don't know why you are surprised...your work should be clamored ( is that a word ) after cause it is wonderful art!!Ginger ps wish I lived closer so I could see it in person

  2. Liz, I just love your work. It's right up my alley. I figure I'm a couple of steps behind you though as I'm not able to devote myself full time to my art. I really like your spots series. How big are these pieces? They are pretty flat. Did you use timtex or just regular batting. I'm happy for you and all your accomplishments lately. You go girl!

  3. Anonymous5:29 AM


    Obviously, hard work DOES get you somewhere - a whole lotta somewheres!

    I'm happy dancing for ya!
    LOVE the colour spots, too - very appealing.

  4. Wow! You are manic! You know I love all your work! Can't wait to see the new direction!

  5. Liz, I love your work, and I'm glad to know you are doing so well with getting it out there. I'm also in the Santa Cruz Art League show, look forward to seeing your pieces in the show.
